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What to pay attention to in the process of using industrial anti-slip mats

Issue time:2022-05-10 11:39:22 source:安珂地墊 views:3022

  Many enterprises in the process of plant construction will focus on the laying of industrial anti-slip mats, one of the preferred products in this type of product, laying this type of product need to pay attention to what issues?

  1. Take into account and the use of demand degree problem

  Different enterprises in the process of buying to take full account of the degree of demand, to know that this type of product whether the production process or production materials, are very different, only in the state of meeting their own target needs, the purchase of this type of product can play a good effect in use.

  For example, some enterprises in the use of this product, just need this type of product non-slip, so do not need to consider the material and waterproof and other types of issues, but some other enterprises in the use of this product, not only need to pay attention to non-slip, but also need to pay attention to waterproof, such as breweries, brewery product production process, the workshop is very wet, and there is moisture on the ground, so the need to use to Anti-slip mats, due to the constraints of the wet environment, so in for the type of workshop using anti-slip mats, also need to have the same anti-moisture characteristics.


  2. moisture-proof needs under the industrial non-slip mats whether the thicker the better?

  Some users in the process of buying mats is only a demand to analyze this type of product, for example, only focus on the thickness of this type of product, that thicker products in the use of the process of using the more ideal effect, quality is also more outstanding, in fact, such an understanding is wrong, why is this cognition is wrong? The reason is very simple, if the floor mats laid in the workshop is very thick, for example, more than three centimeters, this state of maneuvering space will become greater, the use of a long time the possibility of arching is very high, which in turn will lead to the use of the effect of reducing.

  Based on this type of reason analysis, in the purchase of such products, do not need to buy too thick products, usually its thickness is more appropriate in the following two centimeters, try not to exceed this thickness.

  The use of industrial anti-slip mat enterprise or very much, in addition to the need to pay attention to the choice of such products, but also need to pay attention to good daily maintenance problems, so that the use of the product life can be longer, for its outer surface must do a good job of maintenance, the surface is scratched under the state, the durable effect will be significantly reduced.


Tag: Industrial floor matNon-slip Matmats

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